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Suvidha Opticals Jhinjhana At Shamli Bidouli Bus Stand, Dharam Kanta, Jhinjhana, Shamli
Uttar Pradesh, Shamli - 247778 India

Opening Times: Monday to Sunday: 10am to 8pm
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If you are a resident of the nearby locality of Jhinjhana of Shamli district of Uttar Pradesh and looking for a reliable optical shop for your vision care needs, Suvidha Eye Care Centre is a single stop solution for you. The shop has a wide range of optical frames & sunglasses in different color, material, shape & size to meet your requirements. The shop is also equipped with the latest vision testing equipment for your accurate vision test. You can book a home appointment through www.wearmyspex.com to get an eye test done at the comfort of your home as well.  

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